Thursday, February 1, 2018

Petrol and diesel cars to be banned from areas of London under new plans

Hugo Griffiths 2018-02-01 08:45

East London council opens consultations to ban all but the cleanest cars from certain streets; could mean daily £151 bill for older cars

Audi Q3 - exhaust

Fresh proposals could see conventional petrol and diesel cars banned from certain areas of London during morning and evening rush hours, following the opening of a new public consultation.

Hackney council’s City Fringe Ultra Low Emission Streets scheme would, if approved, prohibit all cars that emit over 75g/km of CO2 from a collection of nine streets, split over two zones in Shoreditch and Hoxton. Such low emission levels mean only electric, hydrogen cars and the cleanest hybrids would be allowed to enter the zones.

Best low emissions cars

While local residents and business would be exempt from the charges, those entering the affected streets from the hours of 7-10am and 4-7pm, Monday to Friday would be faced with a fine of £130. The scheme would be monitored via automatic number plate recognition cameras.

Addressing the proposals, Feryal Demirci, Hackney’s cabinet member for neighbourhoods, transport and parks, said: “The streets around Shoreditch suffer from some of the worst air quality in London. Ultra low emission streets will have reduced levels of air and noise pollution, make it easier and safer to walk and cycle and improve the character of the area for all residents and businesses.

“Our ultimate goal is to reclaim the streets from polluting motor vehicles – this groundbreaking scheme is the first step towards doing that.”

The consultation runs until 14 February and if the measures are implemented, they would represent the strictest emissions-based rules yet on the UK road network, setting a potential example for other areas of the country.

If approved, the scheme would be introduced in March meaning the driver of an older, more polluting car could pay £151.50 per day to drive in London thanks to a combination of the T-Charge, the Congestion Charge and City Fringe Ultra Low Emission Streets scheme.

Streets affected by the proposed scheme:

Zone 1:

  • Blackall Street

  • Cowper St

  • Paul St (north of junction with Leonard Street)

  • Ravey Street

  • Singer Street

  • Tabernacle St (north of junction with Leonard Street)

  • Willow Street

 Zone 2:

  • Charlotte Road

  • Rivington Street (from junction with Curtain Road to junction with Great Eastern Street)

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